Monday 27 March 2017

Well, I am back at it. I encapsulated the balsa pucks as I described earlier. I thickened epoxy with Westsystem 205. I used disposable syringes to push the mix up between the pucks. Then came the disk grinding. With that done I vacuum bagged the area and laid on bi-axial cloth. This was followed by two layers of glass mat. Then I had to deal with the gap that occurs between the bottom layer of the coach roof and the inner liner. I found a dense foam strip that is a 1/4 inch thick. It worked well. With that done, another layer of bi-axial starts the outer shell. I've got two of them on so far. In an area I am repairing by the mast, There is no gap between the inner liner and the outer layer. I just built up layer after layer until I have it flush. It added a little weight but it should be strong. I will grind it a little under flush and finish with a filler, long board sanding, then I have to find a proper marine paint. I have learned a lot. Vacuum bagging has a downside. It holds the upside down glue up well but you get waves that are hard to get out. I added a fine chopped glass to the mix and that helped. You get bubbles, you can play with it but they are stubborn. The best thing is to work them into one big bubble and grind it out when dry. I have to deal with low temps, the answer is hot water bottles. You heat up water on a butane stove and fill them. Then place them on the outside. With a paint stripper gun inside I got a read of 75 degrees in time for the lay up. Now the warmer weather is here I should be able to avoid that nightmare. I still have lots to do but it is progressing....I hate winter!

 This is the area by the sliding top. I finished with bi-axial. I will grind it smooth and prep to finish.
This one was weird. There was no moisture here. The balsa was pulverized ant the top was soft here because of it. I can only guess that a very heavy individual stood there while raising the main??? Anyway, it is rock hard now!

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