Sunday 6 October 2013

I headed out on Saturday with my better half for 4 hours out on Lake St.Clair. 8 knots of wind, warm but cloudy. Hey, not bad for October.
I am getting better at this sailing stuff. I sailed into the flow of the river and tacked back and forth between Peche isle and Belle Isle on the US side.
I kept the tacks well over 130 degrees apart due to the wind coming up the channel and the fact that the two knots of current swept me along. Once clear of Peche I headed over into the secondary channel and worked my way back up against the current toward my marina (Wind astern). No motor and best of all I wasn't nervous about it. Working my way along an inclosed area with all sails up made me very uptight when I started sailing. It is one thing to motor out to the middle of a lake and raise the sails, quite another to confidently work your way along a narrow channel with huge freighters passing you.
  OH THE PHOTO?? as I headed back up the river this guy and his crew flew by. I thought "they're out of my league" They turned into the channel on the right side of the red buoy heading upstream. Then they promptly grounded Red Right Return. Red (To your)Right (When you are returning to the source of the water you are in)Return.
You have been educated.