Sunday 29 September 2013

 Last big sail of the season. We had SSE winds and followed the shoreline from Windsor to Belle River on Lake St.Clair. Another big fire over in Detroit to watch as we sailed along. Well next week I guess we will move her to the boat yard. What a drag! I hate winter. Lots to do this winter. New fridge, GPS, and maybe a dodger.$$$

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Just back from two weeks in Hawaii. Some photos of sailboats and some crap that surfers live on.

sister boat
 Another 30 O'day

 Nice vessel. looked like he nailed something. There was a strip of stainless covering a Boo Boo.
Three guys on this boat were out for several years. Tough looking Trimaran ...but UUUgly.
Read about this old ship @......
 What the He..??
 This is a surfers special. With the cost of living in Waikiki, they rent a boat slip and put a "thing" in there.
This guy had great Shrimp. They often film scenes from Hawaii 50 here.

Monday 2 September 2013

Labor Day.  YIKES. I better get out there. man were did summer go??