Saturday 26 January 2013

I am heading down to the boatyard tomorrow to check on my poor frozen boat. Knock a little snow of the cover and such. January is almost over, two more months and it is wax and bottom paint time. Hard to grasp right now. MAN it is colder than a politicians heart out there. I am building a bracket to allow a 15 inch TV to fold down and clip up when not in use. I will work out how the mechanism will work on AutoCAD after I get some measurements from the boat tomorrow. Stay warm. 

Saturday 19 January 2013

More photos of tranny rebuild. I have taken a Marine weather course. It started last week. So far so good.
Like I said when I started this, it will start out slow and build from there. This is a long term plan and I want to record it for myself and anyone who might give a s^&t. I have read many books on sailing and long distance travel but I think one of the best resources available are Blogs!. I learn a lot of little things that add up to a clearer picture of the realities of moving a 5 ton boat all the way to the Carribean from the great lakes

and (someday) back again. My plan involves clearing up all debt, finding the right Sailboat for the right price and moving aboard. My wife and I learned a great deal about the costs from peoples blogs. I don't think I could ever be that open about money but I thank them for the info. By the time I go in 10 years, much of the info will be out of date. The cost of operating a boat in..say Sint Martin is going to skyrocket. The simple fact is that they are after the 'MEGA' crowd, not the unwashed. Antigua is getting to be that way now. I guess it will depend on how many Plutocrats and Saudi princes get into boating! The trick is to stay informed. I will do my best. On a sadder note. I was reading the blog BLAME BUFFET about a retired couple who purchase a 40 Island Packet in Ohio and headed south. Very good blog, it is over. they got as far as Florida and the Skipper had a massive heart attack. All I can do is watch my weight, stay healthy and hope for the best. What happened to him is a bummer and you always hear "Just go now". Can't. But, you have to have something to look forward to or you might as well just expire. Rant over.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Tranny is rebuilt. Photo was taken prior to pulling it. Ignore the date on my photos, it gets messed up every time the battery runs down.. I spent the holidays in the windward Islands. Back to it now. I plan on building a flip down bracket for a small 12 volt TV set that I will install in the salon. I want to build an box to close in the radio an VHF radio. Plans are for a new hatch and maybe a flush deck prism to lighten things up down stairs. I have installed a new autopilot Raymarine 6000. Now I want to get a depth and speed log to match. Hurry up and go away winter!