Wednesday 23 December 2020

Winter work

 Plans for the winter include replacing the motor mounts, installing an inverter for the microwave and the biggy! A scratch built dingy lift.

I ordered a new main sail from Florida. The on mast furler is working much better but it isn't as slick as I'd like. I added steps up to the first spreaders. The Radar is acting up so I picked up a replacement. She's wrapped up for the snow. I'll pull the batteries over the holidays. Merry X mas

Monday 1 June 2020

Work Work Work!!!

Summer is coming and work progresses. I have just about finished the full enclosure and the 6HP bow thruster is installed. I would say 50% of the wiring has been replaced, Radar installed, new instrumentation, new lighting. PHEW!

Wednesday 26 February 2020

I spent the fall working on a bow thruster install. I glassed in a 7 5/16 tube for a Vetus 6 hp thruster which I will bolt in come spring.  I ripped out all the wiring to the helm and tossed most of the electronics. I have been working on it almost every weekend right through the winter.