Saturday 27 July 2013

Well we had over a week aboard GIMME SHELTER. We traveled down the Detroit river and stayed overnight in Crystal bay. Then onto Scudder marina at the north end of Pelee Island in Lake Erie. Liz and Marley pose for me.
We left Pelee and headed for Kelley's Island off the Ohio coast. No wind all day and temps in the 90's.
We planned on having a fire that night but it was too hot at 10 at night.We spent a night a PUT IN BAY before heading back home to check our lottery tickets and then go back to work.
Days like this make it all worth while.
Even if I can't get the sails up. The next day we had a great sail home keeping the boat between 5 and 6 knots for the 30 mile run across Lake Erie. Then the dreaded slog up the river against 2 knots of current. 
A 13 hour day. The microwave worked great but we realize that we need more battery power to stay on the hook. Also the toilet started acting up (hard to operate) I looked into rebuilding it but it wasn't much more to replace the thing. Did it yesterday and it is working great.

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